Laboratory Safety & Hazardous Waste Management - Online Refresher (00009167, 1.0)
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Available From    01/15/2019
This annual refresher class is required for laboratory workers under the OSHA Lab Standard requirements. This class also provides hazardous waste refresher material to meet the EPA Resource, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) requirements. Prerequisite: NMSU Employee Safety, HazCom, full Laboratory Standard class and Hazard Waste Management (if applicable). Contents: This laboratory safety refresher class is a brief review of OSHA Laboratory Standard requirements, current related laboratory topics and RCRA hazardous waste requirements Who should attend: All University employees and others who are assigned to a chemical laboratory where hazardous chemicals are present. Training frequency: Annually after the initial laboratory standard class. Additional site-specific training on specialized hazards will be provided by the supervisor or manager for each laboratory.
- Offered as:
Web Based Training
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